
It takes technical proficiency to be successful in an Agile environment.

In a recent podcast episode with Mark Metze on Agile Within, we delved into the necessity of technical knowledge for roles like Scrum Masters, Product Owners, and Agile leaders within software teams. Initially, my stance in 2018 was straightforward: a computer science degree isn’t necessary, and excessive technical knowledge might hinder coaching efforts. However, my perspective evolved over time, shaped by practical experience with diverse teams, both technical and non-technical, and my own continuous learning in technical domains.

“Agile isn’t just a methodology; it’s a mindset that fosters adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement.”” ChatGPT


The four main components we provide are:

Being “Technical Enough” in Software:

  • Having a grasp of the developer workflow without needing to code.
  • Familiarity with the general process of getting a simple program like “Hello World” to run.
  • Awareness of common industry terms and concepts like “Hello World” to facilitate effective communication with developers.
  • Not about insider jokes or specialized knowledge but possessing a foundational understanding of software development workflows.


The Pros of Outsourcing your HR Department

Many small companies assign employment and HR issues to operation executives or other employees who may not have the specialized training to navigate these operational areas correctly & compliance with state regulations. A company may consultant administrator or an HR for an ideal solution.

“It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.”Merry Joe


Four major elements that we offer:

Our advisers can provide services ranging from providing the training to your staff to managing entire HR department.

  • The appropriate trainers for the strategic problem.
  • Leadership / strategic / HR service provide for clients.
  • We have great support digital marketing
  • Extra and best training provided to our clients.